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Training and Professional Development

Training = Learning
Learning = Growth

Creating strong campus and organizational cultures focused on relationships, life-long learning, collaboration, and student best interest is absolutely integral to student success.


Professional development and training sessions are designed as either adult sessions meant to meet educator and parent needs, student sessions that target student specific needs, or family sessions focused on helping the whole family experience academic success. All of the workshops and sessions are editable; time and content are adapted as needed to support success in your organization!

Samples of Sessions Offered  


SPED - Writing the IEP

Learn how to gather and analyze data from a variety of sources to write a realistic and rigorous Individual Education Plan (IEP) that is student centered, appropriate, and legally compliant. Write SMART goals that meet student needs and statutory requirements. A well written IEP lays the foundation for communication, collaboration, and consensus. 


SPED - Communication

Reduce the likelihood of frustration, confusion, and disagreement throughout the SPED process: Communicate and train students, staff, and families on the Procedural Safeguards, ARD Guide, and Dyslexia requirements. Provide a thorough overview of each document as well as the related responsible parties and protocols. Meet legal requirements for communication and training. Use the session as documentation to support Improvement Plans, Strategic Support Plans, and cyclical monitoring. This session can be adapted for specific audiences. Sources include Texas Education Agency (TEA) and SPED TX.


SPED - Schedule

Create a Master Service Schedule that meets both student and teacher needs as well as legal requirements. Make it a useful tool for documenting effort, student services, and teacher schedules. Use it to drive equity, budget personnel, and document maintenance of effort.  


SPED - PLAAFP Statements

Learn how to compose Present Levels of Academic and Functional Performance (PLAAFP) statements. Use data from multiple sources to write clear, objective, and concise descriptions of student performance. Well written PLAAFP statements facilitate communication and decision making that are in the best interest of the student.   


SPED/504 - Plans in GenEd

Build consistency and service in the general education learning environment by facilitating a deep understanding of individual IEPs and 504 plans. Learn the components of each type of plan, who is responsible for what parts of them, and what the related timelines are. Examine local samples and discuss how to implement them in the classroom, how and when to document their implementation, and when to communicate on progress. Better meet the needs of students identified and increase their achievement by ensuring IEPs and 504 plans are collaboratively developed using data, comprehended accurately, implemented with integrity, supported fully, and evaluated routinely. 


SPED - Systems

Manage the SPED department effectively and efficiently by implementing systems and protocols that support student best interest as well as legal compliance. Systems for organizing paperwork, gathering data, communicating progress, scheduling, assessing, and re-convening are some of the most essential areas requiring clear and concise systems. Developing quality systems and holding people accountable to them increases staff productivity, satisfaction, and growth - which in turn positively impacts campus culture, family satisfaction, and student achievement.   



Bridging the GenEd/SPED Communication Gap

This session touches on the dynamics unique to the collaborative relationship between educators when working together to support a student. Each party brings to the collaboration its own perspective of the student, its own expertise, and its individual passion and beliefs for what is in the student’s best interest. Structured, objective, and calm communication in a safe environment allows each member to be heard, facilitating decision making that is comprehensive, inclusive, and focused on the student. References include John Maxwell, Crucial Conversations and Confrontations team, and Travis Bradberry.  


Mission & Vision

Invite stakeholders and collaboratively create new Mission and Vision statements for your organization that reflect local student needs, district philosophy, and unified beliefs. Make it a useful tool for driving daily efforts, staying on target, and illustrating successes as well as areas for growth. 


Management Plans

Create District or Campus Management Plans rooted in local goals and beliefs and created with positive behavior supports and restorative justice ideals. Concise expectations supported by systems of instruction, practice, and feedback combined with clear consequences and rewards mold effective and empathetic campus and district cultures.    


SPED - The Process

Outline the process for a student from the first sign of struggle to the first ARD meeting. Ensure that both legal mandates and local expectations are met. Help all educators feel knowledgeable, effective, and confident in the tiered process for intervention, ongoing data gathering and assessment, and communication requirements. Clear and well explained information breeds compliance, cooperation, and collaboration. Reduce frustration, confusion, and discontent by making the process well known to all. Meet legal requirements as well as goals in Improvement Plans, Strategic Support Plans, and cyclical monitoring.   


Improvement Plans

Invite stakeholders and collaboratively identify strengths and areas for growth. Analyze the data and translate that to goals and action steps. Calendar routine follow up. Meet statutory requirements while effectively improving your organization. Sessions can be focused on creation or maintenance of plans, and they can be focused on the district or campus level. Customize it to meet the needs of your campus or organization.  


SPED v. 504

Make clear the distinctions between Special Education and 504. Outline the referral process, the prerequisites, and the legal requirements attached to each designation. Students achieve more when they are best served; ensure they are being served in the best possible way.    

Supporting Your Team
Wendy is a great leader. Approachable. Problem solver. She has a wide variety of experience that allows her to provide support in multiple areas. I highly recommend Wendy DeSpain, She is an asset for any team. 

Robin Pokladnik, M.Ed., NCED

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